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About the trip, this blog and the authors 

The trip 

"Life comes first!" This is what my first boss told me, when I needed a day off work for travelling. I was 17 at the time and lived by this sentence ever since. 


This site is a project, a diary, a digital writing pad for me and my development, at the same time an interface for my family and friends. And last but not least: A small public space where I would like to share and entertain, inspire and motivate. May I invite and introduce: Dear readers, these are the countries of my trip, this is my perspective, these are my experiences, images and feelings. I promise that I'll be honest and that this won't be perfect. 


So let's get started. I have thought about this journey a thousand times and now it is actually happening. With a bachelor's degree, a converted van, a few savings, basic car knowledge, and a smile in my face, I am ready to go towards Central Asia. Now. May 2023, 20,000 km for a round trip. Here we go.



Who's in? 


Maria Glaser

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Main author 

May I introduce myself? I am 24 years old, I was born and raised in Germany, and I hold a bachelor's degree in German Literature and Social Sciences from the Humboldt University of Berlin. Currently, I work as a copy editor and content writer, freelance and remote. I would describe myself as energetic and adventurous, and I own a wonderful van named Fred. Curiosity is my fuel, I tend to be restless and in movement, always active with laugh lines and coffee. I spend a lot of time climbing rocks and inside boulder gyms, on skate-, surf- or snowboards, reading books or taking pictures. I'm often stuck between brushes, pencils and design pads. Additionally, I adore every kind of craft. I converted Fred myself in 2020 from a construction car into a camper van and spent five weeks traveling in southwestern countries of Europe that year and six weeks in the Balkans in 2021. In the meantime, I also studied in Vienna via Erasmus and I worked in Tel Aviv, after I had already spent a year during school in England in 2015. Restless, as I said.



Peugeot Boxer (2005), best car ever 

In May 2020, I bought Fred for around 4,000 euros as a used car from a car dealer. At the time, the car had only driven around 108,000 kilometres, passed the German quality test and was in a good condition. A good catch. I then converted Fred into a camper with a lot of love and even more help from people who were much better with tools than I was at the time. Within three months, we insulated the empty cargo space, added a roof hatch and furniture. I then adjusted a few things before this big trip in 2022/23: a diesel heater, water tanks with a basin, storage space, a roof rack, etc. By now I've been living in this car for a few months and I wouldn't want to change it - despite the lack of space and a few breakdowns along the way.



Part of the team since January 2024

Vedi is a former stray dog from Armenia, where I found him in January 2024 and took him in. Breed, age, origin - unknown. But a few things are known: Vedi really likes potatoes, loves being scratched - even by strangers - and finds other dogs totally exciting (and sometimes even slightly scary). When he's happy, his whole backside swings, and if he's a bit too excited, he sometimes stumbles and simply falls over.


Philipp Gackstatter 

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I grew up in the remote yet idyllic countryside of Baden-Württemberg and realized, at some point, that there is so much more to find and experience away from the village. Ever since, I am on a mission to get to know the cultures of this world and have in the last six years consequently changed my place-to-live just as often. When I try to balance life with work, I like to express my creative side on the piano or go out into nature. If I'm not bouldering, I'm probably climbing. If I'm not to be found in the mountains, I'm in the water. Just as much as I like to live in other places, I like to travel there. And if I'm not on a trip myself, I occasionally pay a visit to Maria on one of her many trips.


Sergen AktaÅŸ

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I'm Sergen. I have been many things so far throughout my life. A teacher and engineer but currently I am a tattoo artist based in Istanbul Turkey. I studied English language and literature as my major and this changed my way of seeing and analyzing the world. In 2023 I was on a trip abroad to Georgia where I spent 18 days in Tbilisi, Kazbegi, Gori, and Batumi. This was my first trip abroad. Hitchhiking and couchsurfing through the way. Batumi was the city where I met Maria. My whole life I have been in love with being on the road and in nature. I have had my fair share of traveling and hitchhiking through Turkey. I'm more motivated to travel than ever after my experience in Georgia. Camping is my favorite outdoor activity and I am getting into climbing and mountaineering. Enjoying the nature of this beautiful planet is worth more than anything in life. Also as a musician, I can find inspiration in nature and the feelings that it awakens. I love singing and playing the guitar. Just like Maria!

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